NSWACC Privacy Policy
The NSW Association of Caravan Clubs (NSWACC) has always recognised the importance of their member clubs’ privacy. NSWACC recognises the importance of protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals concerning their personal information. This privacy policy tells you how we collect and manage your person information.
All contact details are held by the NSWACC State secretary only. These details are not shared with any committee members of NSWACC or any NSW club.
No personal data is shared with any other State Association or the National Association (NACC). NSWACC only supply general information such as the total number of member vans who belong to all of their combined NSW clubs. This information is required for insurance purposes.
What is your personal information?
When used in this privacy policy, the term ‘personal information’ has the meaning given to it in the Act. In general terms, it is any information that can be used to identify you personally. This may include your name, address, telephone number, email address, health or occupation.
What personal information do we collect and hold?
The Secretary of the association must establish and maintain a register of NSWACC committee members, specifying the name and postal or residential address of each person who is a member of the association together with the date on which the person became a member.
The members of the NSW Association are the caravan clubs, therefore the NSWACC Secretary must also have an updated list of contacts for each NSW caravan club, such as secretary and delegate names, phone numbers and email addresses.
The NSWACC committee does not require information regarding members of their caravan clubs. These details are strictly the responsibility of their individual caravan clubs.
Information Collected for State & National Rallies
State Rally
Most of the information collected for at State Rally, such as contact details, is held by the State Secretary and Treasurer. Full names, the members’ clubs and any ‘special needs’ have to be shared by the host club. This enables the host club to make arrangements to cater for their visitors.
19th National Rally
The NSW Association of Caravan Clubs will host the 19th National Rally. The sub-committee (coordinators of the national rally) will act in accordance with NSWACC policies.
Personal information collected for the 19th National Rally will only be available to the National Rally’s Registrar, Treasurer and Web-Administrator up until just prior to the national rally.
Full names, members’ clubs and any ‘special needs’ will also be shared with the committee to enable them to provide an enjoyable and safe visit. At no time will visitors’ contact details be shared with any committee members, other state associations or the NACC.
This Privacy Policy is effective as of Reference Date displayed.